Our Vision

Working together to achieve excellence in patient care, education and research in hematology in Iraq.

Our Mission

The mission of Iraqi Society of haematology is to advance knowledge in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of haematological diseases through achieving the following objectives to advance the knowledge and practice of transfusion medicine, as well as promote research, training and interests in haematological diseases and transfusion medicine.

  1. Regularly organizes or supports educational events related to the recognition, treatment and prevention of haematological diseases.
  2. The Society contributes actively to medical education at all levels, and also collaborates with other local and international medical and haematological societies and professional groups on basic and clinical research into haematological diseases and transfusion medicine.
  3. Improve the technology of haematological diagnosis and clinical practice in different haematological subspecialties.
  4. strengthen the communications between academic research institutions and public health centers.
  5. Contribute to education and practice of haematology in different governance inside Iraq.
  6. Standardize haematological methods and guidelines.

History or Story

The Iraqi Society of Haematology has been founded in 2001 to promote and raise the exchange of information relating to haematological diseases from clinical and diagnostic perspectives. The Society is aimed to serve as a forum for bringing together Iraqi  hematologists specialists in clinical and lab, and physicians who are  involved in the practice of haematology in Iraq  and abroad.



In 2001, by Iraqi leaders of haematology from the clinical and laboratory departments including Dr. Mayada Alnuaimi, Dr. Ferial Hilmi, Dr Ali Moslem, Dr. Foad Al kasab, Dr. Ali Mohamed Jawad, Dr. Azhar Sabeeh and Dr. Abdulmajeed Alwan, the ISOH stablished.

In 2003-2005 because the Iraqi governmental changes, all activities of ISOH was stopped till 2006 when the re-election of ISOH member was done and Dr. Nabeel Salman was elected as a head of ISOH. This achievements was continued till Dec. 2018 when the society got the approval and reactivated from the Iraqi Ministry Of Higher Education and Scientific Research to re-establishing the society for legal activation by second election for choosing the members of ISOH from 2019-2023.


  • Annual conference since 2006, the last conference where in Baghdad 2019,
  • Updating Iraqi haematology guideline V1, V2. and new haematology therapy enlisting,
  • Help and supporting to establishing haematology centers cross over Iraq

Head of the Society's message

Dear respected members of Iraqi Society of Haematology ,

The Iraqi society of haematology (ISOH) aims to contribute to the development of medicine by leading the development of the treatment and research of hematologic diseases for the cure or better quality of life for the patients. We have made continued and concerted efforts for the improved clinical and research outcomes in diverse disciplines related to the hematology including internal medicine, pediatrics, laboratory medicine, pathology and basic medicine. Close interdisciplinary collaboration has been a prerequisite in all areas including hematology to date and will continue to be so in the future. These types of close collaboration will play even larger roles, and ISOH will serve as the ground for the collaborative research. ISOH has continually strived to acquire the latest hematological knowledge, practice the highest standards of advanced medical technology, and provide the best care for hematologic patients relying on us for the treatment. We have been diligent in conducting practical research that can identify the etiology of the haematologic diseases or be directly implemented to hematological treatment in clinical practice. Along with the on-going research on the hematology, more promotional activities should be carried out alongside for the better public awareness of the various efforts made by ISOH and we should request for the improvement and change in the unreasonable system or regulations in a unified and systematic manner so that all our efforts can lead to tangible results. Since the spring of 2006, ISOH has annually hosted the national Conference & Annual Meeting for Iraqi Society of Haematology , which positions us to be a leader in the international hematology. We would appreciate your continued interest, participation and advice as we continue to develop ISOH through close collaboration in the areas of treatment, training and research between all ISOH members in the midst of their difficult and busy work environments. Thank you for your support.
Head of Society
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